Thoughts on Life
and Human Rights
Jordan's Progress
Keys to Effective Democracy
Dangers to Democracy
The Need for Openness and Dynamism
Unity and Equality for all Jordanians
Rights for Women and Children
Jordan as a Model for the Region
Quest for Peace
Peace Among the Children of Abraham
Obstacles to Peace
Peace Brings True Security
The Need for a Regional Approach
Jordan's Commitment to Peace
A Better Future for the Peoples of the Region
Missed Opportunities of the Past
Peace Must be Based on Justice
The Arab Consensus for Peace
Towards a New Renaissance
Foundations of Effective Unity
Jordan's Efforts for Unity
The European Model
the Faith
Islam is a Religion of Peace
The Path to an Islamic Renaissance
Efforts to Promote Islam
Interfaith Dialogue and Tolerance
and the Palestinian Cause
Consistent Support for the Palestinians
The PLO as the "sole legitimate representative"
Disengagement from the West Bank
Future Status of Jordan and the West Bank
Final Status Negotiation Issues
Holy City of Jerusalem
Hashemite Guardianship of the Holy Sites
As a Symbol of Interfaith Peace
Palestinian Rights
Efforts to Avoid War
Support for the Iraqi People
Calls for a US-Iraqi Dialogue
United Nations
The Role of the United Nations
The Need to Implement all Resolutions Equally
Jordan and UN Peacekeeping
The United
Nations University
United States
Protecting the Environment