Article 16 - Post and Telecommunications The Parties take note of the opening between them, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, of direct telephone and facsimile lines. Postal links, the negotiations on which having been concluded, will be activated upon the signature of this Treaty. The Parties further agree that normal wireless and cable communications and television relay services by cable, radio and satellite, will be established between them, in accordance with all relevant international conventions and regulations. The negotiations on these subjects will be concluded not later than 9 months from the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty. |
Article 17 - Tourism The Parties affirm their mutual desire to promote co-operation between them in the field of tourism. In order to accomplish this goal, the Partiestaking note of the understandings reached between them concerning tourismagree to negotiate, as soon as possible, and to conclude not later than 3 months from the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty, an agreement to facilitate and encourage mutual tourism and tourism from third countries. |
Article 18 - Environment The Parties will co-operate in matters relating to the environment, a sphere to which they attach great importance, including conservation of nature and prevention of pollution, as set forth in Annex IV. They will negotiate an agreement on the above, to be concluded not later than 6 months from the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty. |
Article 19 - Energy |
1. | The Parties will co-operate in the development of energy resources, including the development of energy related projects such as the utilization of solar energy. |
2. | The Parties, having concluded their negotiations on the interconnecting of their electric grids in the Eilat-Aqaba area, will implement the interconnecting upon the signature of this Treaty. The Parties view this step as a part of a wider binational and regional concept. They agree to continue their negotiations as soon as possible to widen the scope of their interconnected grids. |
3. | The Parties will conclude the relevant agreements in the field of energy within 6 months from the date of exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty. |
Article 20 - Rift Valley Development The Parties attach great importance to the integrated development of the Jordan Rift Valley area, including joint projects in the economic, environmental, energy-related and tourism fields. Taking note of the Terms of Reference developed in the framework of the Trilateral Jordan-Israel-US Economic Committee towards the Jordan Rift Valley Development Master Plan, they will vigorously continue their efforts towards the completion of planning and towards implementation. |
Article 21 - Health The Parties will co-operate in the area of health and shall negotiate with a view to the conclusion of an agreement within 9 months of the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty. |
Article 22 - Agriculture The Parties will co-operate in the areas of agriculture, including veterinary services, plant protection, biotechnology and marketing, and shall negotiate with a view to the conclusion of an agreement within 6 months from the date of the exchange of instruments of ratification of this Treaty. |
Article 23 - Aqaba and Eilat The Parties agree to enter into negotiations, as soon as possible, and not later than one month from the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty, on arrangements that would enable the joint development of the towns of Aqaba and Eilat with regard to such matters, inter alia, as joint tourism development, joint customs posts, free trade zone, co-operation in aviation, prevention of pollution, maritime matters, police, customs and health co-operation. The Parties will conclude all relevant agreements within 9 months from the exchange of instruments of ratification of the Treaty. |
Article 24 - Claims The parties agree to establish a claims commission for the mutual settlement of all financial claims. |
Article 25 - Rights and Obligations |
1. | This Treaty does not affect and shall not be interpreted as affecting, in any way, the rights and obligations of the Parties under the Charter of the United Nations. |
2. | The Parties undertake to fulfill in good faith their obligations under this Treaty, without regard to action or inaction of any other party and independently of any instrument inconsistent with this Treaty. For the purposes of this paragraph, each party represents to the other that in its opinion and interpretation there is no inconsistency between their existing treaty obligations and this Treaty. |
3. | They further undertake to take all the necessary measures for the application in their relations of the provisions of the multilateral conventions to which they are parties, including the submission of appropriate notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and other depositories of such conventions. |
4. | Both Parties will also take all the necessary steps to abolish all pejorative references to the other Party, in multilateral conventions to which they are parties, to the extent that such references exist. |
5. | The Parties undertake not to enter into any obligation in conflict with this Treaty. |
6. | Subject to Article 103 of the United Nations Charter, in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Parties under the present Treaty and any of their other obligations, the obligations under this Treaty will be binding and implemented. |
Article 26 - Legislation Within 3 months of the exchange of the instruments of ratification of this Treaty, the Parties undertake to enact any legislation necessary in order to implement the Treaty, and to terminate any international commitments and to repeal any legislation that is inconsistent with the Treaty. |
Article 27 - Ratification and Annexes |
1. | This Treaty shall be ratified by both Parties in conformity with their respective national procedures. It shall enter into force on the exchange of the instruments of ratification. |
2. | The Annexes, Appendices, and other attachments to this Treaty shall be considered integral parts thereof. |
Article 28 - Interim Measures The Parties will apply, in certain spheres to be agreed upon, interim measures pending the conclusion of the relevant agreements in accordance with this Treaty, as stipulated in Annex V. |
Article 29 - Settlement of Disputes Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Treaty shall be resolved by negotiations. Any such disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations shall be resolved by conciliation or submitted to arbitration. |
Article 30 - Registration This Treaty shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with the previsions of Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. |
Done at the Araba/Arava Crossing point this day Jumada Al-Ula 21st, 1415, Heshvan 21st, 5755, to which corresponds to 26th October, 1994, in the Arabic, Hebrew and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail. | |
Abdul Salam Majali Prime Minister The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan |
Yitzhak Rabin Prime Minister The State of Israel |
Witnessed by: William J. Clinton |
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