1. |
- Both Parties, acknowledging that mutual
understanding and cooperation in security-related matters will form a significant part of
their relations and will further enhance the security of the region, take upon themselves
to base their security relations on mutual trust, advancement of joint interests and
co-operation, and to aim towards a regional framework of partnership in peace.
Towards that goal, the
Parties recognize the achievements of the European Community and European Union in the
development of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) and commit
themselves to the creation, in the Middle East, of a conference on Security and
Co-operation in the Middle East (CSCME).
This commitment entails the adoption of regional models of security successfully
implemented in the post World War area (along the lines of the Helsinki Process)
culminating in a regional zone of security and stability.
2. |
The obligations referred to in this Article are without prejudice to the
inherent right of self-defense in accordance with the United Nations Charter. |
3. |
The Parties undertake, in accordance with the provisions of
this Article, the following:
To refrain from the threat
of use of force or weapons, conventional, non-conventional or of any other kind, against
each other, or of other actions or activities that adversely affect the security of the
other Party;
To refrain from organizing,
instigating, inciting, assisting or participating in acts or threats of belligerency,
hostility, subversion or violence against the other Party;
To take necessary and
effective measures to ensure that acts or threats of belligerency, hostility, subversion
or violence against the other Party do not originate from, and are not committed within,
through or over their territory (hereinafter the term "territory" includes the
airspace and territorial waters).
4. |
Consistent with the area of peace and with the efforts to
build regional security and to avoid and prevent aggression and violence, the Parties
further agree to refrain from the following:
Joining or in any way
assisting, promoting or co-operating with any coalition, organization or alliance with a
military or security character with a third party, the objectives or activities of which
include launching aggression or other acts of military hostility against the other Party,
in contravention of the provisions of the present Treaty;
Allowing the entry,
stationing and operating on their territory, or through it, of military forces, personnel
or material of a third party, in circumstances which may adversely prejudice the security
of the other Party.
5. |
Both Parties will take necessary and effective measures, and
will co-operate in combating terrorism of all kinds. The Parties undertake:
To take necessary and
effective measures to prevent acts of terrorism, subversion or violence from being carried
out from their territory or through it and to take necessary and effective measures to
combat such activities and all their perpetrators;
Without prejudice to the
basic rights of freedom of expression and association, to take necessary and effective
measures to prevent the entry, presence and operation in their territory of any group or
organization, and their infrastructure which threatens the security of the other Party by
the use of, or incitement to the use of, violent means;
To co-operate in preventing
and combating cross-boundary infiltrations.
6. |
Any question as to the implementation of this Article will be dealt with
through a mechanism of consultations which will include a liaison system, verification,
supervision, and where necessary, other mechanisms, and higher level consultations. The
details of the mechanism of consultations will be contained in an agreement to be
concluded by the Parties within 3 months of the exchange of the instruments of
ratification of this Treaty. |
7. |
The Parties undertake to work as a matter of priority, and as soon as
possible, in the context of the Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control and Regional
Security, and jointly, towards the following:
- The creation in the Middle East of a region
free from hostile alliances and coalitions;
- The creation of a Middle East free from
weapons of mass destruction, both conventional and non-conventional, in the context of a
comprehensive, lasting and stable peace, characterized by the renunciation of the use of
force, and by reconciliation and good will.