Published in the Official Gazette, No. 3398 of 9 Ramadan 1406 A.H., being 17 May 1986 A.D. Regulation No. 60 for the Year 1986 A.D. We, Al-Hussein I, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in accordance with Article (31) of the Constitution, and upon the decision of both The House of Notables and the House of Deputies, do hereby ratify the following Law, and order its issuance and addition to the laws of the State: Law No. 22 for the Year 1986 A.D. Law of Election to the House of Deputies
Definitions |
Article 1 | This law shall be called Law of Election to the House of Deputies for the Year 1986, and shall become effective as of the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. |
Article 2 | The following words and expressions, wherever they appear in this Law, shall have
the meanings ascribed to them hereunder, unless the context indicates otherwise:
Article 3 |
Article 4 | An Elector may not exercise his right to vote in a Polling Center other than the one in which his name is registered; furthermore, he may not exercise this right more than once in any one election. |
Article 5 | The right to vote is denied to members of the Jordanian Armed Forces, Public Security and Civil Defense throughout their actual service. |
Article 6 | Electoral Lists shall be compiled for every Constituency in which are included names of Electors, who belong to that Constituency or reside habitually therein, no Elector may register in more than one Electoral List. |
Article 7 |
Article 8 | The Family Book, issued by the Department of Civil Status, and nothing else, shall be used to register whomever has the right to vote in the Electoral Lists; a mark shall be inscribed in the Family Book containing an indication of the registration of the Elector in the List designated for the Constituency in which he resides. |
Article 9 |
Article 10 | During the first half of August of every year, the Revision Committee shall review the Electoral Lists for the Constituency that falls within its competence, perform the additions thereto and deletions therefrom relying on the data and information coming to it from the relevant official departments, and shall record the reasons for the additions and elections in the column assigned to remarks in those Lists, provided that these data and information do not contradict the entries of the Department of Civil Status. Every person may request the Committee to register his name in the Electoral List if he satisfies the legal requirements. |
Article 11 | The competent courts in all the Constituencies shall provide the Revision Committee in that Constituency within the period from the 15th to the 30th of July of every year with a list containing a summary of judgements regarding bankruptcy and interdiction, as well as those imposing prison sentences exceeding one year for non-political crimes which had not been pardoned. Furthermore, the Department of Civil Status shall provide the said Committee within the aforementioned period with a list of persons who have completed nineteen years of their age, or those who have died during the twelve months preceding the period covered by the revision procedures of the Electoral Lists. |
Article 12 | Immediately after the end of the period specified pursuant to the provisions of Article (10) of this Law for the completion of its work, the Revision Committee shall display lists containing the names of Electors in the Constituency after performing the addition and deletion proceedings thereto for a period of one week in a prominent public place designated by the Administrative Governor, and shall advertise them in the local newspapers. |
Article 13 | Every person whose name was unjustly excluded from the Lists provided for in Article (12) of this Law, or an error has been made in the data pertaining to this entry in those Lists, may submit an objection thereto to the Revision Committee within ten days of the date of their display. Furthermore, every person registered in the Electoral Lists may object within the same period to the entry of any other person in those lists, who the objector thinks does not have the right to elect, or to the omission of a person, who the objector thinks has such a right. |
Article 14 | The Revision Committee shall issue its decisions concerning the objections submitted to it pursuant to Article (13) of this Law within three days of the end of the objection period, and shall notify its decisions to the objectors once they are issued. The decisions shall be subject to appeal before the Court of First Instance in the Constituency within three days of the date of its notification. The Court shall rule on the objections within five days of their submission; its decisions shall be final and not subject to appeal before any other authority. The Court shall notify the Chairman of the Revision Committee with its decisions within three days of the date of their issuance in order to implement them. |
Article 15 | After the Electors Lists have achieved their legal status, because there were no objections against them in accordance with the provisions of Article (13) of this Law, or because the decisions on objections against them have become final in accordance with the provisions of Article (14) of this Law, the Revision Committee shall compile for every Constituency final Electors Lists of all Electors in the concerned Department. The Committee shall send a copy of these final lists to the Ministry of Interior for safekeeping. |
Article 16 | The Electoral Lists compiled in final form, in accordance with the provisions of Article (15) of this Law, shall be adopted for the general parliamentary elections or by-elections that are conducted during any year. |
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